The educational potential of the choral competition in the professional training of music teachers


Kolysheva Tatiana Aleksandrovna,Petsina Irina Anatolyevna


The paper is devoted to the disclosure of the pedagogical and educational potential of the choral competition as a creative project aimed at improving their musical and performing competencies of prospective teachers-musicians. The paper substantiates the importance of cultural and educational environment of the choral collective, which has a direct controlling effect on the personality of a prospective teacher, his or her spiritual and moral upbringing in the educational process of a university. Preparation for a choral performance competition is considered in the form of stages of successive motivated actions of a teacher and students to achieve the planned result. The work on the competition program is carried out in an educational environment of creative interaction, creates prerequisites for personal growth of each participant and involves introducing students to choral music with a high level of spiritual content. Mastering the moral system, the ethical code in the works of Russian sacred music contributes to the awareness of the choir members of the power of the influence of sacred music on the development of their ethical sides. The bright emotional intensity of the competitive performance, creative enthusiasm enhance the productivity of creative solutions, the manifestation of the abilities, personal and professional qualities of students, the affirmation of the value of everyone in the conditions of the competition. Reflection and introspection of the competitive execution of the program develop the independence and critical thinking of the participants, confirms their professional position. Overcoming performing difficulties, solving problematic situations contribute to improving the level of professional training of prospective teachers-musicians, their social hardening. The interaction of the choir members teaches the distribution of roles in society, gives an idea of the continuity of norms, rules, values of life.


Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

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