Civil identity formation and digital technologies in the educational process of teachers’ training (experimental model)


Malkin Stanislav Gennadyevich


Abstract. The paper is devoted to the role of digital technologies in the formation of Russian civil identity in the educational process. The focus of the presented research is on the main parameters of the experimental model of updating the work programs of History courses at specialized (History) faculties, taking into account the capabilities of end-to-end digital technologies and digital tools in the training of pedagogical staff. At the same time, the pedagogical experiment of this kind is considered as a necessary integration of humanitarian and digital technologies in order to bring the countrys educational policy to a common meaningful and value denominator within the framework of Russian civil identity formation. Particular emphasis in this paper is placed on the importance of the teachers professional training for the implementation of tasks in the field of state educational policy in the modern information space. In this regard, close attention is paid to the close relationship between historical politics and historical education, on the one hand, and humanitarian and digital technologies, on the other hand, in terms of targeted (re) formatting of Russian civil identity in the educational process. In addition, methodological and organizational restrictions on the use of digital technologies are outlined, which have a noticeable impact on civil identity formation within the framework of historical education at the stage of teachers training.


Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

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