Creating a local protected area system in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District: the sacred site «Angalsky Cape» as a natural monument


Morgun Evgeniya Nikolaevna,Levykh Alyona Yurievna,Ilyasov Ruslan Mikhailovich,Kremenetskaya Maria Vyacheslavovna,Suppes Natalia Evgenievna


The paper substantiates the role the key sacred sites of indigenous minorities of the North play in forming an integrated ecological network, expanding the nature conservation areas and preserving biological and landscape diversity of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. It presents materials describing the nature conservation, scientific, historical and cultural significance of the heritage item - the sacred site Angalsky Cape in Salekhard. The reconnaissance and sociological studies (in 2019-2020) revealed the anthropogenic impact on the territory of the site which is the result of recreation, storage of solid household waste, location of technical facilities and disturbance. The studies have also shown that the protection regime adopted to preserve the sacred site and to keep the natural-territorial complex of the territory is not sufficient. As a result of field geobotanical, soil, zoological researches on the territory of the sacred site Angalsky Cape, conducted in June and August 2021, the composition and structure of vegetation, soil, small mammal communities consistent with zonal and local natural conditions were defined. A relatively high level of plants and animals species diversity, as well as a good life condition of lichens were revealed. At the same time, the low resilience of the small mammal community indicates the vulnerability of ecosystems in this area to external influences, including anthropogenic loads. The results of the research allow us to recommend the sacred site Angalsky Cape for inclusion in the local ecological framework as a natural monument of local significance.


Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

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