Chronology of Eneolithic complexes of the forest-steppe Trans-Urals


Mosin Vadim Sergeevich


This paper is devoted to the key problems associated with the chronology and periodization of the Eneolithic complexes located on the territory of the forest-steppe foothill Trans-Urals and Tobol river regions. The basic dated complexes are considered in the context of absolute chronology, the established criteria for the dating of archaeological cultures and ceramic traditions and types of this period are analyzed; based on radiocarbon dating of organic remains in ceramics, preserved bone remains of mammals and charcoal from the settlements of the forest-steppe Tobol river region: Tashkovo 1, Kochegarovo 1, Buzan-3 burial ground, Savin I, Slabodchiki I sanctuaries and Bakshay sanctuaries from the eastern slope of the Urals. In the forest-steppe zone of the Trans-Urals, about 30 complexes of the Eneolithic have been investigated by excavations. Only six of them have radiocarbon datings, the total number of datings is 23. The Eneolithic complexes of the settlements of Kochegarovo I - 10 determinations, Tashkovo I - 4 determinations with dates, although it is not enough for full statistics. The rest of the complexes have either fewer or obviously invalid dates. In the Eneolithic of the region along the entire length from the middle of the 5th to the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC almost all of the existing cultural traditions continued to coexist. It should be noted that the earliest tradition in the Eneolithic of the region was the tradition of ornamentation with a comb stamp with simple (linear) and geometric patterns.


Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

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