Türkçe Öğretmen Adaylarının Teknoloji Kullanımına Yönelik Tutumları: Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Örneği


CERAN Dilek1,DAĞ Ayşenur1




The existence and use of technology in education is increasing day by day. Approaches and attitudes of teachers who are practitioners of education to the use of technology are important. Finally, studies are carried out in the country and abroad on the attitudes of teachers, teacher candidates and students towards technology use. In this study, the attitudes of Turkish teacher candidates studying in the Department of Turkish Language Teaching at Necmettin Erbakan University and their attitudes towards technology use according to some demographic characteristics (gender, grade level, type of high school graduated, parental education level) of Turkish teacher candidates. It is aimed to determine the relationships between The sample of the research, in which the descriptive survey model, one of the quantitative research methods, was used, consists of 111 teacher candidates who studied at Necmettin Erbakan University, Department of Turkish Language Teaching and took the "Instructional Technologies" course in the spring term of 2020-2021. In order to determine the attitudes of Turkish teacher candidates towards the use of technology, the "Technology Attitude Scale" data collection tool, which was developed by Yavuz (2005) and consists of 19 items, was used. In the given analysis, the Jamovi 1.6.23 package program was preferred. As a result of the data obtained, it was determined that Turkish teacher candidates exhibited a positive attitude towards the use of technology. It has been determined that there is no significant difference between the attitudes of Turkish teacher candidates towards the use of technology according to their gender, the type of high school they graduated from, and the education level of their parents. A significant difference was found between the attitudes of Turkish teacher candidates towards the use of technology according to the second, third and fourth grade levels in favor of the second grade level.



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