Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum: Pathogen of rose


Đurić Maja


Roses are one of the most significant ornamental plants in gardens and parks around the planet and its flowers are among the most recognizable in the world. Beauty of this plant can be endangered by attack of various pests and pathogens, such as plant pathogenic bacteria Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum (phylotype I, race 1, biovar 3). On roses it causes bacterial wilt, stunting, yellowing of leaves, and discharge of white oozes. It is on the EPPO A2 quarantine list and on the A1 list (Annex II A) in the European Union. It was first noticed on roses in the Netherlands, from where it spread to other countries. In the Republic of Serbia, presence of this bacterial disease has not been noticed on roses yet. However, due to possibility of developing a latent infections, there is a great risk of its spread by reproduction or trade in plant products. Therefore, it is necessary to implement preventive protection measures, such as production of healthy propagative plant material and plant quarantine. Creating bacterial wilt resistant plants is very hard because of heterogeneity of its population. There are various studies about R. pseudosolanacearum epidemiology on roses, however, the precise range of its hosts is still not investigated enough.


Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)








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