The subject of this paper is the International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2020 (ITRF2020), which represents the current realization of the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS). On April 15, 2022, this reference frame was formally released to the public. This solution serves as the official reference frame for all international geoscience organizations as of November 27, 2022. In this article, the technology of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) was used to estimate the coordinates of the points in the ITRF2020. For these purposes, 24 points on Serbian territory were chosen as permanent station reference points for global positioning. Four points near Serbia, whose coordinates are known within this frame, were used to establish a connection with the target frame. The collected data for obtaining the coordinates of the points refer to the time period 27.11.2022. - 03.12.2022. Points' coordinates calculations and data processing were done using Bernese GNSS software. Within the scope of solving the set problem, the daily solutions of the coordinates of the points were first found, and then the seven-day solutions were calculated by combining them. The final weekly coordinates of the points are determined with a millimeter standard deviation of the repeatability of the daily solutions and they belong to the reference moment of time on November 30, 2022, at 12:00:00.
Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)
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