Evaluation of vehicle parameters depending on technical vehicle inspection


Dedović Vlastimir,Božanić Vojislav,Božović Milan


In a strategic document of EU for Road safety improvement, up to 2030, "safe vehicle" is recognized as one of the pillars of a stable Road safety system. The part of the "safe vehicle" pillar is technical vehicle ispection, where parameters important for road safety are periodically checked. The aim of this work is to determine the quality of the measurement data and the ability to repeat measurements of some parameters during technical vehicle inspection, or more precisely, to determine whether measured data of turning wheel resistance and brakes ovality differ depending on the inspection place. The research is done by inspecting ten vehicles at five inspection places with different levels of resources use. The results show that the spread of measured data of turning wheel resistance is statistically significant and that it depends on the inspection place, as well as that measured data of turning wheels resistance significantly vary between inspection places. The measured percentage of brakes ovality is different from one inspection place to another, but the differences are statistically significant only for right wheels. The impact of inspection place, although less than in turning wheel resistance measurement, is still significant.


Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)

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