Insurance fraud as a form of economic crime and the methods for combating it


Čordarov TeodoraORCID,Malinović Marija,Ćeranić Mladen


Dealing with the topic of economic crime in insurance is very complex and therefore challenging. One of the first challenges concerns the definition of economic crime. Namely, economic crime represents a multi-layered phenomenon which must, in terms of the definition of the basic features, be adapted to the specific requirements of a given society. One of the forms of economic crime, which is very common in practice, certainly refers to abuse in the field of insurance. The most common, and at the same time the only form of economic crime in the field of insurance foreseen by law, is insurance fraud. After the conceptual determination of economic crime as well as its basic features, this paper presents a review of the key issues related to the topic of the paper, which includes the phenomenological definition of insurance, the importance of the existence of insurance, insurance fraud as a form of economic crime, as well as the methods for combating it.


Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)


General Medicine

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