Digital token in the business function of cooperatives


Dukić-Mijatović MarijanaORCID,Uzelac OzrenORCID,Mirković PredragORCID


Cooperatives represent relevant and significant economic subjects of associations that promote the interests of their members and work affirmatively to improve their position. Since the digital economy is developing expansively, and new forms of digital technology are changing economic and other interactions every day, cooperatives must keep up with such processes. The authors of the paper analyze the legislative framework for issuing digital tokens in the Republic of Serbia, especially from the aspect of the legal subjectivity of the issuer of this form of digital property. The purpose of the research is to indicate the legislative framework and economic possibilities of issuing digital tokens by cooperatives in the Republic of Serbia. The methodological approach is based on the theoretical analysis of nationally relevant regulations that enable cooperatives to be issuers of digital tokens, while the empirical research shows and analyzes the current practice of issuing digital tokens.


Balkan Scientific Association of Agricultural Economists


Marketing,Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,Strategy and Management,Drug Discovery,Pharmaceutical Science,Pharmacology

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