1. Anderson, John D.: "Varèse and the Lyricism of the New Physics", The Musical Quarterly, 75/1, 1991, 31-49;
2. Forte, Allen: The Structure of Atonal Music. New Haven - London: Yale University Press, 1973;
3. Lalitte, Philippe: "The theories of Helmholtz in the work of Varèse", Contemporary Music Review, 30/5, 2011, 329-344;
4. MacDonald, Malcolm: "'Only One Thing of Value': Varèse the Burgundian", in: Felix Meyer and Heidy Zimmermann (Eds), Edgard Varèse: Composer -Sound Sculptor -Visionary. Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Boydell Press, 2006, 16-24;
5. MacDonald, Malcolm: Varèse, Astronomer in Sound. London: Kahn&Averill, 2003;