Application of flow visualization methods for determining drag force around a projectile


Kozomora Vladimir,Živkov Andreja,Vukić Marko,Oluški Nikola


The paper provides an overview of flow visualization methods. From the many ways of classifying flow visualization methods, the chosen method of classification is in accordance with the experimental procedure. Flow visualization methods that involve the addition of foreign material are the simplest, from the point of view of the required material and the experimental setup, in which one tracer and an adequate light source are most often applied, except for layers sensitive to pressure and shear stress. Their application is wide and most methods from this category can be modified very easily depending on the case. Visualization methods that involve addition of energy to the fluid flow use strong sources of electromagnetic radiation, most often lasers, to excite the molecules in the fluid stream, producing an adequate quantum-mechanical effect that enables visualization. Optical methods of flow visualization are based on changes in the refractive index of light caused by the presence of a fluid in motion in the test section, in addition, the principle of superposition of light waves is used in interferometry methods. Optical methods are mainly used in areas of supersonic flow and shock wave studies, but they are also present in exhaust gas propagation studies. As computational fluid dynamics is a separate subject, the physical laws on which CFD is based on are presented, as well as an example of flow visualization, which is an integral part of most calculations performed using this method. In addition to the classification and description of flow visualization methods, the paper provides an explanation of a approximate calculation procedure based on the use of one of the optical methods, Schlieren photography, in order to calculate the resistance force during supersonic projectile flow, as well as a comparison of results based on empirical data.


Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)







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