Authentic cultural and historical heritage plays a significant role in shaping the appealing image of cities and their development. Novi Sad, the second largest city in the Republic of Serbia, stands out for its concentration of unique buildings, underscoring its pivotal role as a tourist destination rooted in both tangible and intangible cultural heritage. The influence of media convergence has facilitated the dissemination of a substantial amount of data and information in the virtual realm concerning the cultural and historical heritage of Novi Sad, transcending temporal and spatial constraints. The visibility of heritage in the age of globalization, when appropriately interpreted, can be viewed as a contribution to the cultural mosaic, as realized by the authors through three media-research questions. A survey was conducted among 133 citizens of Novi Sad (n=133). The significance of understanding cultural heritage has been established, with respondents holding a "Doctor of Science" degree exhibiting the highest level of knowledge/information. Those expressing an interest in cultural heritage were identified as having the primary reasons for possessing extensive knowledge, while lack of interest and inadequate media representation were cited as reasons for limited knowledge. It has been demonstrated that social networks wield considerable influence in promoting cultural heritage, with YouTube and Instagram exerting the greatest impact. The objective of this study is to elucidate the position and function of the media in promoting the cultural heritage of Novi Sad by fostering a more comprehensive and responsible approach toward the legacy bequeathed by preceding generations, with the aspiration of captivating and motivating segments of society beyond the academic and professional spheres to engage in further creative endeavors.
Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)
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