Outdoor orientation within the framework of ambient teaching: Methodology approaches


Radojičić Jelena


Outdoor orientation within the framework of ambient teaching provides the opportunity to connect the learned with its use in real life circumstances. Through an integrative approach through the game and discovery of students, we are able to see natural phenomena in interconnection and conditionality. Practical activities in the field of orientation in nature, as well as from cartographic literacy, instead of in the classroom, it is desirable to realize in nature. Apart from presenting the key characteristics of orientation in nature in accordance with current curricula, the papir elaborates, special attention is focused on methodological design of these contents and the design of different ways of realization. Students in environmental education on the topic of orientation in nature should recognize and creatively solve the problem in an authentic environment, making teaching different, more life-long and more interesting. Particular attention is paid to the use of digital technologies in this topic.


Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)

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