Modern technologies are present in almost every part of human`s life and work. One of the most important spheres of human's life is an education. The penetration of modern technologies in this life`s sphere is huge, especially in last several years. These facts purport that teachers, professors and other educators must introduce and teach their pupils to use these technologies on appropriate way. This role is very important and complex. Teachers must find appropriate way to realize balance between "digital" skills needed for pupils to accept the school material, use benefits of "digital" environment and continue to use and develop the imagination and other activities used by older "no digital" generations. So, teachers must continuously learn and become acquainted with modern technologies and their benefits and use them in life and work. The modern technologies are different, but in elementary schools, secondary schools and houses of students, the most frequently used are mobile phones, laptops, tablets, Internet, social networks etc. The main goal of this paper is to present the results of use of noted modern technologies in life and work of teachers. Researches presented in this paper were realized by author of this paper as longitudinal researches and included teachers in different educational institutions, such as elementary schools, secondary schools in Niš and in pupil's homes.
Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)
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