Tertuliano Ivan,Santana Bruna,de Oliveira,Machado Afonso,Montiel José
The number of athletes acting outside their countries of birth grows every year, as do those who also choose to defend another national team. Faced with this phenomenon, the objective of this study was to conceptualize the process of expatriation in two sports (Soccer and Volleyball) through an essay, in which qualitative research was used from the perspective of documentary analysis, pointing out the state of the art in this subject. The results indicate that the main reasons given by athletes to justify the expatriation process are economic and professional, such as salary and career opportunities improvement. On the other hand, the difficulties found by athletes in the process are closely related to the lack of family with the athlete after expatriation. With this, the literature points to the need for multidisciplinary preparation and monitoring for those who decide to leave their country, to avoid damages in sports performance.
Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)
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2 articles.