Expatriation of athletes and the theory of intercultural adjustment


Tertuliano Ivan,Santana Bruna,de Oliveira


Cultural shock may be one of the greatest difficulties encountered by athletes and employees who choose to live and work in other countries. Therefore, the objective of this essay was to conceptualize the theory of intercultural adjustment and to point out proposals for the use of theory in the process of sports expatriation. For this, it was based on the methodological design of a qualitative research on the perspective of documentary analysis. As main reflections of this essay, the lack of an adequate cultural adjustment process for athletes and employees who are subject to living in another country is emphasized, in addition to the importance of the family in this process. Therefore, it also highlights the relevance that expatriates are submitted to a preparation process, either by psychological, social, economic and cultural bias, so that changes are faced in the best possible way, highlighting the importance of Intercultural Psychology.


Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)

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