This study aimed to quantify the changes in grain yield and main agronomic traits in winter wheat cultivars registered during the past 90 years . A field trial with 18 winter wheat cultivars registered from 1930 to 2016 was conducted at the experimental field Rimiski šančevi during two growing seasons . The following agronomic traits were measured: grain yield, stem height, spike length, heading date, hectolitre mass, 1000 grain weight, and grain number per unit area . The results of this study showed that there was a significant genotypic effect on the studied traits . Du-ring the past 90 years, grain yield increased at rate of 50 kg ha -1 per year of cultivar release . Grain yield improvement was followed by stem height decrease (0 .4 cm per year of cultivar release) and earlier heading date in modern cultivars, which were 7 -8 days earlier than the older ones . Modern wheat cultivars were characterized by a higher grain number per unit area than the ol-der ones while during the past 90 years, the 1000 grain weight was not significantly related to the year of cultivar release . Further grain yield improvement should be related to a further increase of grain number per unit area while maintaining a higher 1000 grain weight.
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)