Milić Dragan,Tomašević Dragan,Šatara Goran
Success in the organization of sports events is equally significant for both sports organizations and event destinations (Maksimović, 2008; Maksimović and Raič, 2011). The realization of the European Sambo Championship for men and women of junior and senior age, the program activities of the sports association of the city of Novi Sad, the Provincial Secretariat for Sports and Youth, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Sambo Federation of Serbia and the program activities of the European Sambo Federation are realized (ESF) for 2022. The aim of the work is to prepare an elaboration of the organization of the competition. The European Championship took place from 14.09.2022. until 19.09.2022. in Novi Sad, SPENS small hall. The essay is based on three world sambo championships that were held in Novi Sad in 2017, 2018 and 2020 (Matic et al., 2020; Gentile et al., 2021; Milovanovic et al., 2021). These events were chosen because they were organized at the highest level of organization in the Sports and Business Center Novi Sad (SPENS).
University of Priština – Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Leposavić
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