1. E.M. Kudryavtsev, "Building cars and the equipment" (with examples of calculations, including and on the computer): The Textbook. -M: Publishing house ASV, (Russia), (2012);
2. E.M. Kudryavtsev, V.V.Stepanov," Execution of final qualifying work on the computer": the Manual for high schools. -M: The Publishing House "BASTET", (Russia), (2013);
3. E.M. Kudryavtsev, "CAD systems of the machine and the equipment". The Textbook for high schools. M: Publishing house ASV, (Russia), (2013);
4. E.M. Kudryavscev, "The basis of the automated designing":The textbook for high schools. M: Publishing centre "Academy", p. 304, 2011;
5. E.M. Kudryavtsev," KOMPAS-3D V10. As much as possible full management". In 2 volumes. M: DMK Press. (Russia), (2018);