Petrović Danijela,Marić Mia,Kozoderović Gordana,Bogosavljević-Šijakov Miona,Branković Nataša
The aim of this study was to determine attitudes of teachers towards the environment and environmental awareness, as well as to educate primary school students to solve simple environmental problems through various workshop activities. Instructions for eco-workshops applications were created, as well as an advertising material for children with illustrations on how to sort waste and how to preserve nature. Moreover, interactive workshops facilitated children to, while playing, learn how to sort waste, to develop awareness of the importance of waste disposal and recycling, as well as to rise awareness of the importance of their personal participation and contribution to the preservation of the environment and natural resources. The workshops also were facilitating the development of a holistic approach to nature and life, while understanding that everything is connected and should be viewed as a whole. Raising eco-pedagogical competencies is necessary in terms of improving environmental considerations, as well as developing the environmental sensibility of all participants in the education process.
Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)
Management of Technology and Innovation
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