Updating knowledge on the distribution of red algae (Rhodophyta) in Serbia (Southeast Europe)


Rakonjac Aleksandra,Simić SnežanaORCID


Freshwater red algae (Rhodophyta) were surveyed in Serbia by examining 411 localities of 196 springs, streams and rivers during 2017-2022. A total of 80 new records of algae were made: species of the genera with Batrachospermum-like morphology (18), Hildenbrandia rivularis (30), Lemanea sp. (1), L. fluviatilis (2), Paralemanea annulata (15), P. catenata (11) and P. torulosa (3).


Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia


Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)


General Medicine

Reference14 articles.

1. ANONYMUS (2010-2016): Pravilnik o proglašenju i zaštiti strogo zaštićenih i zaštićenih divljih vrsta biljaka, životinja i gljiva (Sl. Glasnik RS 5/2010, 47/2011, 32/2016, 98/2016). [in Serbian];

2. CESCHIN, S., RICCI, S., ABATI, S., BISCEGLIE, S., MINCIARDI, M.R., ZUCCARELLO, V. (2013): Distribution and ecology of red algae in Italian rivers. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 183 (3): 223-237. doi: 10.1127/1863-9135/2013/0493;

3. ELORANTA, P., KWANDRANS, J. (2004): Indicator value of freshwater red algae in running waters for water quality assessment. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 33 (1): 47-54;

4. MAGNUS, P. (1889): Thorea ramosissima Bory bei Belgrad in Serbien und deren weitere Verbreitung. Hedvigia 2: 113-115;

5. MITROVIĆ, A.B., SIMIĆ, S.B. (2021): On Bangia atropurpurea (Bangiales, Rhodophyta), the strictly protected red alga in Serbia. Botanica Serbica 45 (2): 263-272. doi: 10.22 98/BOT SERB2102263M;








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