Management of eco-hotel new product using artificial intelligence


Jović-Bogdanović AdrianaORCID,Radosavljević MilanORCID,Anđelković MajaORCID


The modern economy rests on industrial development and production with the application of new technologies, knowledge and achievements in technique, technology, economy, ecology, organization, management, informatics and other branches of science and profession. Processes are being innovated in order to achieve products and services of higher quality and performance, in accordance with increasingly strict market requirements. Today, KETs (Key Enabling Technologies) are increasingly being used, which represent a narrower set ofsix KETs that enable innovations: micro and nanoelectronics, nanotechnology, industrial biotechnology, advanced materials, photonics and advanced production technologies. Ideas for sustainable hotels are in line with the application of environmentally friendly and automated processes, products and services, which with the application of artificial intelligence (AI) can become green (or even greener). The world's best brands (hotels) have become green thanks to the solutions created by the application of VI, with the launch of many green initiatives (ie. smart showers, solar energy installations, waste reduction and diversion, energy and water consumption savings, etc.). A full understanding of sustainability is important for the hotel industry. The best sustainable hotels are businesses that significantly reduce their impact on the environment through best green practices in maintenance, services, logistics, products and supplies. A hotel that is serious about sustainability must expect large capital expenditures, such as modernization (ie replacement) of HVAC systems (ventilation and air conditioning systems, with the extension to mechanical cleaning and dry cleaning). When hotels go green, they do much less harm to the environment, reduce costs and win the goodwill of guests. Sustainability in the business world is key to achieving supplier growth and customer satisfaction. Consumers are increasingly looking for green businesses and paying more for environmentally friendly products and services. One in three consumers prefers sustainable brands, and the travel industry is taking note. The research results in this paper are mainly presented according to the dominant program criteria and variables, at the level of ecology or the application of artificial intelligence at the level of products and systems.


Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)

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