The studies of zinc (Zn) concentrations in Woody and herbaceous plants in the region of Belgrade


Stanković Dragica,Vilotić Dragica,Ivetić VladanORCID,Jović Đorđe,Jokanović Dušan,Devetaković JovanaORCID


These studies are aimed at the determination of load of the plant ecosystems with the heavy metal (Zn) and the accumulation of it in this area, so that based on the results, if necessary, the appropriate protection measures of this higly-valued area can be applied. The woody species lime tree and Austrian pine at the plots 1 and 2 in these studies show deficiency or are on the verge of the deficiency. Based on the results, heavy metal zinc is not the adverse factor in the natural protected area "Avala".


Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia


Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)

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