1. UN General Assembly (UNGA), International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, signed on 16 December 1966, with effect from 3 January 1976. Republic of Macedonia ratified the Covenant on 18. January 1994;
2. European Court of Human Rights, March 2020, updated list of workplace cases, available at: http://shorturl.at/dBGV7 , last accessed: 01.07.2020;
3. Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, the Law on Civil Procedure (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia number 79/05, 110/08, 83/09, 116/10 and 124/15);
4. Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia; Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia number 52/1991), date of promulgation: 17.11.1991;
5. Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia. Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia number 52/1991), date of promulgation: 17.11.1991, together with Amendments 1-36;