1. Agribusiness. 2022. This year's corn sowing is more expensive by 50 percent, sunflower by 30.10-sep2023;
2. Avdić, P. 2017. Agribusiness Development Strategy, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Doctoral Thesis, University Business Academy;
3. Agromedia. 2023. Food technology: All about corn. 10-sep-2023https://www.tehnologijahrane.com/iznovina/sve-o-kukuruzu;
4. Agroclub. 2023. Evolution of agriculture: Corn, 10-sep-2023. https://www.agroklub.rs/sortnalista/zitarice/kukuruz-115/ and polj.uns.ac.rs;
5. AgroFin. 2022. Farmers calculated: Sowing corn will cost 140,000-150,000 dinars per hectare. 10-Feb2022. https://www.agrofin.rs/vesti/ratari-izracunali-setva -maize-costace-140-000-150-000dinars-per-hectare;