Contribution to the knowledge of the soils formed on limestones on the Ozren Mountain


Gajić BoškoORCID,Tolimir MiodragORCID,Kresović BrankaORCID,Lipovac AleksaORCID,Tapanarova Angelina,Životić LjubomirORCID


Soils formed on limestones occupy large area in Serbia, but there is not a lot of information about their properties. This paper presents physical and chemical properties of the Brownized Calcomelanosols and Moderately-deep Calcocambisols of the Ozren Mountain. Brownized Calcomelanosols under natural grassy vegetation were investigated at the Vlasina pass, whereas Calcocambisols under mixed forests were investigated near the site "Ozrenske livade". Soil profiles were excavated up to the parent material, and disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected from soil genetic horizons. Following soil characteristics were determined: particle size distribution, soil structure and water resistance of structural aggregates, bulk density, total porosity, air capacity, water-holding capacity, water conductivity, pH, content of humus, available phosphorus (P2O5) and potassium (K2O), hydrolytic acidity, cation exchange capacity (CEC), sum of exchangeable base cations, and base saturation. Humus-accumulative horizon (Amo) of the Brownized Calcomelanosols has silty clay texture, whereas the cambic (B)rz horizon of both soils has a clay texture. The Amo horizon of Calcomelanosols is characterized by fine to medium granular structure (0.5-5 mm) of very high water resistance. The total porosity, air capacity and water permeability of both soils is high. Their water-holding capacity is high. Amo horizon of Calcomelanosols is characterized by a high humus content (>10%). Soil reaction in water of Amo horizon is neutral, whereas in (B)rz horizons both soils are moderately acid. Both soils have high CEC (>58 cmol kg-1 ) and base saturatation (>95%). Brownized Calcomelanosol is moderately to highly supplied with available K2O, whereas Calcocambisol is moderately supplied; while both soils are very poor in available P2O5. Since this study presents quite favorable physical and chemical properties of the investigated soils due to the conservation of natural forests and grasslands, the results can help in a deeper understanding of soil ecology and the preservation of natural plant cover.


Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia


Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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