Introduction: Under the concept of regenerative periodontal therapy, there are two approaches: the first is the passive regeneration conceptthat includes bone substituents and guided periodontal regeneration by using of biomembranes and the second concept of active regeneration that impliesthe use of growth factors. The aim of the passive regeneration, by using of bone matrix (bone substituens) has been stabilization and bone defects management, preventing epithelial tissue growth, as well as saving space for the new tissue regeneration. This concept implies the use of autogenous transplantats, xenografts, allografts, as well as alloplastic materials. The carriers for active tissue regeneration, growth factors -GF are biological mediators that regulate cellular processes and that is crucial for the tissue regeneration. Aim:Presentation ofmodern approaches to periodontal therapy thatare focused on the attachment regeneration and complete reconstruction of periodontal tissue. Conclusion: In the future, periodontal regenerative therapy with periodontalligament progenitor cells should encourage repopulation of the areas that have been affected by periodontal disease.
Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)
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