Femicide prevention in the light of new legal solutions application in the Criminal Law of Republic of Serbia


Tahirović Mirela,Radulović-Glamočak Jelena


In the modern society, domestic violence is a socially unacceptable phenomenon. The most common form of domestic violence is the violence against women, while as the most severe form of violence against women singles out femicide - a gender-based murder. One of the measures taken by Republic of Serbia in order to reduce domestic violence is the adoption of the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence. In order to prevent femicide, the most important innovations provided by law are urgent measures imposed by the competent police officer; a mandatory risk assessment of recurrence violence; a mandatory coordination and cooperation between the competent services and case records violence. This paper analyzes not just criminal and family law measures providing protection from domestic violence, but also the results of the application of these measures in the context of femicide prevention.


Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)


General Medicine

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