Family planning is the ability of individuals and couples to have the desired number of children at a time when they want to. This is achieved using contraceptive methods and the treatment of unintentional infertility. Family planning is crucial for women's empowerment, and gender equality and is an essential factor in reducing world poverty. The research was conducted on an electronic survey questionnaire on the final sample size of 660 female students from the University of Novi Sad (Serbia). Survey results were analyzed using SPSS 23 software for Windows (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). The aim of the study is the analysis of the reproductive intensions regarding the structure of contraceptive use, from which comes the secondary objective, which is identification of the need for the sexual and reproductive education of young people. More than half of female students use modern contraceptives, but a significant proportion of female students rely on traditional methods such as withdrawal (coitus interruptus) (26.0%) and calendar methods (10.7%).
Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)
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