Investigation of the relationship between creativity of preschool children and reflective thinking tendencies of teachers


Yildiz Cicekler,Aral Neriman


The aim of the study is to examine the relationship between preschool teachers' reflective thinking tendencies and children's creativity. The study is in general screening model and was conducted with preschool teachers, and normally developing children attending kindergarten, primary school and secondary school in Konya city center in the 2020-2021 academic year. Points of continuous and purposeful thinking, open-mindedness, inquisitive and effective teaching, teaching responsibility and scientificity, being inquisitory, prescient and sincere, profession overview, which are the sub-dimensions of the reflective thinking tendency of teachers scale, were found to differ significantly. Points of continuous and purposeful thinking, open-mindedness, inquisitive and effective teaching, teaching responsibility and scientificity, being inquisitory, prescient and sincere, profession overview, which are the sub-dimensions of the reflective thinking tendency of teachers scale, were found to differ significantly according to professional seniority. When the relationship between pre-school teachers' reflective thinking tendencies and children's creativity was examined in the study, a negative and significant relationship was found between open-mindedness, inquisitive and effective teaching, teaching responsibility and scientificity, being prescient and sincere, profession overview, which are the sub-dimensions of the reflective thinking tendency, and fluency and originality, which are the sub-dimensions of creativity.


Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)

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