The mining industry is a crucial driver of economic development, yet it faces significant challenges due to its hazardous nature. Safety and health at work are paramount for sustainable operations within this industry. This study focuses on managers' perceptions of workplace safety factors concerning mining machinery operators and explores how technical, human, and organisational factors influence mining operators' sustainable safety efforts. A survey was conducted in mining companies to analyse management opinions regarding factors influencing occupational safety and health in mining machinery operators. The data collected was statistically processed using the software package SPSS. Statistical tests were used based on the collected data and opinions of the managers. This research's implications are reflected in the identification of key factors that contribute to the effective implementation of security measures and practices. Despite its limitations, the results offer strong empirical support for the proposed theoretical model. These findings provide valuable guidance for researchers and practitioners seeking to enhance safety in the workplace for mining machinery operators. Through an in-depth analysis of these factors, mining company managers can identify key aspects contributing to the effective implementation of security measures and practices. Finally, a framework will be created that will enable the sustainable management of the safety activities of mining machinery operators, which will result in a reduction in the risk of injury and an improvement in the health of workers in the mining sector.
University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor
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