Bibliometric Analysis of Postgraduate Theses on Destination Image in Turkey


TÜR Erge1




Destination image is the sum of the perceptions of tourists about any place. Bibliometrics, on the other hand, evaluates scientific studies in terms of quantity and quality. With bibliometric analysis, it is possible to examine the development process of any field from past to present. In this direction, it is important to examine the concept of destination image with bibliometric analysis. The aim of this study is to examine postgraduate theses on destination image from a bibliometric perspective. For this purpose, 85 postgraduate theses on destination image published in the database of the National Thesis Center were examined in line with some bibliometric indicators. Qualitative research method was used in the study, and content analysis was used as a data collection technique. In the analysis of the data obtained in the research, maxquda qualitative data analysis program was used. According to the research findings, it was concluded that the most postgraduate thesis on destination image was published in 2020, the concept of behavioral intention was studied together with the destination image frequently, the postgraduate theses were generally the subject of Istanbul, and the most postgraduate theses were prepared in Gazi University.


Tourism and Recreation

Reference30 articles.

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