The role of ChatGPT in vegetarian menus


GÖKTAŞ Levent Selman1ORCID


1. Harran Üniversitesi Turizm ve Otel İşletmeciliği Yüksekokulu Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları Bölümü


This research aims to analyze the ability of ChatGPT-4, an artificial intelligence-based language model, to create menus in line with different vegetarian dietary types for professional and amateur chefs, individuals who have taken up cooking as a hobby, and vegetarian individuals. For this purpose, ChatGPT-4 was given ingredients for various dietary types: Lacto-Vegetarian, Ovo-Vegetarian, Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian, Pescatarian, Pollo-Vegetarian, Vegan, Semi-Vegetarian, Raw Vegan, and Fruitarian. It was then asked to create a daily menu consisting of three meals from these ingredients. By adding prohibited ingredients to the ingredient list for each type of vegetarian diet, it was analyzed whether ChatGPT-4 could distinguish these prohibited ingredients and create an accurate menu. As a result of the research, ChatGPT was able to correctly prepare Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian, Lacto-Vegetarian, Vegan, and Raw Vegan menus. However, errors were observed in the menus created in Ovo-Vegetarian, Semi-Vegetarian, and Pollo-Vegetarian diet types. Half correct and half incorrect results were obtained in the Fruitarian diet. ChatGPT-4 has used prohibited ingredients in its Ovo-Vegetarian, Semi-Vegetarian, Pollo-Vegetarian, and Fruitarian menus. These findings show the potential of artificial intelligence in gastronomy but also emphasize the need for users to verify the information.


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