Indonesia, besides being the country with the largest nickel reserves in the world, also holds the largest tin reserves globally in 2023. Meanwhile, in terms of production, Indonesia ranks second after China. Tin mining in Indonesia has led to serious environmental damage, illustrated by the numerous open pits and inadequately restored tin mining sites. The characteristics of soil in these post-mining lands generally include sandy texture, low pH, nutrient deficiencies, low organic carbon content, and low water holding capacity. This study aims to improve the soil chemical properties in post-mining lands by utilizing the KOMFABA technology, which consists of a mixture of compost and fly ash-bottom ash with appropriate dosages tailored to the type of crops to be planted, along with revegetation strategies involving suitable plant selections. The research methodology consists of field experiments to test the application of KOMFABA with various dosages and crop types, as well as a literature review to identify suitable revegetation strategies. The research result show that Indonesia holds tin reserves of 800,000 tons, making it the largest in the world, with a production of 74,000 tons, placing it second after China. Additionally, the results of KOMFABA testing demonstrate its effectiveness in improving soil chemical properties such as soil pH, organic carbon content, cation exchange capacity (CEC), nutrient content, and soil base saturation. The success of reclaiming post-mining lands also dependent on proper fertilization dosages and suitable plants selection.
Pusat Studi Reklamasi Tambang
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