Ratz Aleksandar,Rončević Borut,Milošević Milan
PREVALENCE OF DIFFERENT FORMS OF VIOLENCE AGAINST ROMA WOMEN IN ROMA FAMILIES IN ISOLATED ROMA SETTLEMENTS ON THE TERRITORY OF MEĐIMURJE COUNTY ABSTRACT The subject of the research was the prevalence of various forms of violence against Roma women living in isolated Roma settlements in Međimurje County. The research was conducted by one-time research on the type of so-called draft »cross-section« at one point in time (spring 2020.) by survey method and on a random, proportional, stratified sample of 350 Roma women from 12 isolated Roma settlements in Međimurje County. There was a very high prevalence of exposure to all forms of domestic violence against women among Romani women, with 69,1% of Romani women surveyed saying they had experienced at least one form of violence (physical, psychological, sexual, and/or economic) at least once in their lives. By analyzing the collected responses on exposure to certain forms from each of the four groups of violence, new variables were formed by isolating all those Roma women who at least once or more often over time, and at least once experienced at least one form from each violence group. 61.,7% of Romani women have been exposed to some form of psychological violence at least once in their lives, 50.,3% of Romani women have been exposed to some form of physical violence at least once in their lives, 22.,3% of Romani women have been exposed to some form of economic violence at least once in their lives and to some form of sexual violence have been exposed 17.,1% of Roma women have been exposed to some form of sexual violence. The results showed that Romani women are extremely vulnerable due to the presence of several risk factors that go far beyond belonging to an ethnic minority or any other minority group. Key words: Roma women; Međimurje; gender violence; violence against women.
Pravni Fakultet Sveucilista u Zagrebu (Law School of the University of Zagreb)
Sociology and Political Science,Developmental and Educational Psychology,Education