E. Vinogradov, B. Leick and D. Assadi research the profound relations between digital entrepreneurship, sharing economy, disruptive innovations, artificial intelligence, blockchains, the internet and other variables. They point that “the concept of the sharing economy has become increasingly popular in the past few decades in response to major technology and societal shifts. As the digital revolution progresses, a dynamic change associated with the sharing economy is altering the way how transactions between individuals, businesses and organizations are shaped and delivered”. In that context, the author finds that “…this shift also poses potentially drastic changes for the society to grapple with, as the new innovative technologies permeate products and services as well as entire business models through, e.g., artificial intelligence (AI), cryptocurrencies, blockchain technologies, internet of things, and technology-based surveillance”.
Pravni Fakultet Sveucilista u Zagrebu (Law School of the University of Zagreb)
Political Science and International Relations,Sociology and Political Science