Based on the analysis of the modern technogenic stage of development of the agrarian sector, the article shows that it is characterized by certain difficulties associated with the formation of environmentally balanced agricultural production systems (APS). It is shown that these difficulties are due to the coverage of a fairly wide range of issues: complex physicochemical and biological processes in the soil, the cycle of substances and energy flows in the APS, the transformation of organic matter, the improvement of the specialization of the APS, the optimization of the structure of agricultural landscapes, the organization of the land use area, etc. Constant the development of the agro-industrial complex provides for the provision of an environmentally safe and economically balanced interaction of the three areas of intersectoral cooperation. An analysis of the state of the problem showed that one of the conditions for the sustainable functioning of the agroindustrial complex for the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR) is to achieve the optimal ratio of the cost of production of all three components based on modern methods of environmental and mathematical modeling. According to the results of the study, based on the results of the analysis of the functioning of the АPS in LLC NP «Shedzhem» of the Chegemsky district of the KBR through logical analysis, it was found that improving the structure of sown areas, planning crop rotations, optimizing the use of fertilizers and taking into account the structural and constituent features of arable land made it possible to increase the volume of obtained products from 2,8 to 12,2% while reducing the volume of used financial resources by 11% and reducing the cost by 3-6%.
Kabardino-Balkarian State Agricultural University named after V.M. Kokov
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