The correlation between existential fulfillment and emotional burnout: a theoretical and empirical review.


Dubinina Sofiya Igorevna


The article considers the main approaches to the understanding of emotional burnout and existential fulfillment and studies their interrelation. The relevance of the work is reflected in the increase of scientific and practical interest to the problem of emotional burnout and existential fulfillment. Modern instability generates a wave of anxiety, distress and experience of uncertainty of the people. Therefore, it is crucial to expand the understanding of the phenomena generating mental and physical exhaustion. The object of the study is mental burnout and existential fulfillment. The subject of the study is the relationship between emotional burnout and existential fulfillment of the lawyers. The purpose of the study is to describe and determine the empirical relationship between the aspects of emotional burnout and existential fulfillment the lawyers. Research methodology: the methods of system analysis of data, generalization, comparison and hypothetico-deductive method were used. Empirical methods of the research: Mental Burnout Inventory (MBI) by K. Maslach, S. Jackson, "Existence Scale" (ESK) test by A. Lengle and K. Orgler. Scientific innovation of the research consists in the study of interrelations of emotional burnout and existential fulfillment the lawyers. Practical significance of the research lies in the fact that the obtained results of the study can be useful for scientific research and practical activity of psychologists in order to develop measures aimed at preventing the development of symptoms of emotional burnout. In the conducted empirical study, the hypothesis about the relationship between the phenomena in the sample of legal professionals was confirmed.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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