The principle of constructing Sociality in Hegel's "Phenomenology of Spirit" and the problem of method in Social and Humanitarian cognition


Korotkikh Vyacheslav Ivanovich


The subject of the study is the analysis of the construction of social reality in Hegel's "Phenomenology of Spirit". The form of representation of social life found by Hegel acted as one of the prerequisites for the formation of modern socio-humanitarian knowledge. The author seeks to show that Hegel's overcoming of the idea of the immediacy of social relations as a subject of philosophical consideration is a decisive moment in the formation of the method of social and humanitarian sciences. The construction of social reality, which replaces the uncritical perception of society as an object as accessible to observation as natural objects, opens up the possibility of a consistent, methodically verified disclosure of the essential characteristics of social life.   The study establishes that Hegel presents the described forms of social reality as necessary steps for the movement of the spirit to self-knowledge. The basis for the assertion of the natural nature of the processes of formation of social relations is their belonging to the sphere of self-consciousness. Thus, consciousness pushes its boundaries, overcomes singularity, establishing social reality as a sphere in which the spirit is able to reveal the concreteness of substance. The topic under consideration has not only philosophical and systematic significance, the article shows that Hegel justifies the possibility of overcoming subjective ("evaluative") approaches to the consideration of social life associated with the idea of the immediacy of social relations, reveals the necessary nature of the formation of social reality and its comprehension in various forms of the spirit. The method of constructing sociality presented in the "Phenomenology of Spirit" ensures the cognizability of social life by rational means and the evidentiary nature of social and humanitarian knowledge.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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