Man and Being as factors of Culture dynamics in the concept of permanent Modernity


Maltsev Yaroslav Vladimirovich


The article examines the dynamics of culture as a result of self-unfolding and self-knowledge of being, the agent of which is a person who is both an actor of himself, his own being, and creating culture as a shell of the "second" being, as a screen (S. Zizek), the stage on which his action unfolds, his practice of cognition of being and himself (including as part of being). There is a folding of the triad of being, man and culture, correlating with the well-known formula of Lacan: Real, Imaginary, Symbolic. Within the boundaries of this triad, there is a subject-subject dialogue between man and man, man and being as equal objects in relation to co-creation, co-being, co-cognition. The article correlates with the current search for new ontological theories (object-oriented ontology, speculative realism, assembly theory, etc.), the desire to rethink the role and meaning of the subject (which S. Zizek calls for), to rethink Hegel and actualize his philosophical heritage (again, S. Zizek's thesis), with the search for new concepts that would explain the processes taking place in culture in a better way than the postmodern theory does (L. Hutcheon). The article proposes to consider the dynamics of the genesis and evolution of culture as a correlation of autonomous phenomena of the mind, as a result of reflection by being itself through its own thinking forms - the living: the interaction of being with its own thinking forms for the inclusion of objects of being in the movement of being and its self-disclosure, the disclosure of ways to be, the essence of the immanent property of being, revealed in the procedures of the search for truth, within the boundaries of which culture arises.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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