Problem of quasi-boundaries in the Universe and its projection upon life


Shimelfenig Oleg Vladimirovich


Modern science and culture reappraises the objectivistic-materialistic paradigm towards considering human and psychological factors in the worldview, which also leads to problematization of the concept of boundaries of the objects and phenomena in the Universe. Methodological tool for this research became the narrative-play paradigm based on the universal categories of plot, scenario, likeness, two-dimensionality and game, which generalizes the systemic approach, liberating it from a dangerous tendency towards objectivism and one-sided materialism; reveals the latent process of formation of shared life through interaction of individual perceptions, sensations, thoughts and actions. Leaning on the narrative-play methodology and polemics with the opponents, the author examines the concept of quasi-boundary (as there could be no absolute boundaries in the totally interconnected Universe), which determines the forms of material structures, as well as contradictory boundaries that appear to be the subject of various conflicts. Such approach expands the creative abilities of a person, contributing to the development of activity programs in various spheres of life: education, resolution of ethno-confessional issues, innovation management, personal growth, as well as solution of the crucial task that defines the fate of earth dwellers – upbringing each person in harmony of the spiritual and material, in understanding oneness of the Universe, their place within it, and personal responsibility for the shared present and future.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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