The given abstraction is investigated. The existence of its relational states (extensional or intensional reality) is revealed. Some types of abstraction are analyzed, in particular, the abstraction of identification, isolating, etc. It is shown that the first is given intensionally, and the second is extensional. It is concluded that abstraction and idealization are two sides of the same process. The interval methodology and the phenomenological approach (as interpreted by A. Meinong) are used. It is noted that for each "size" of the abstraction interval – and there are only three of them: "situation", "co-existence" (a set of subject–related situations) and "universe" - there are different types of abstractions. In particular, the abstraction of constructivization is given in a situation, and the isolating one is given in co–existence. It is concluded that the question of the existence of abstractions in itself is incorrect. The existence of objects (concrete or abstract) is just one of the many modes of being objects. Abstract objects are characterized by a weaker mode than those that actually exist. Existence, as one of the states of reality, is eliminated by itself in the modus interpretation. It is more appropriate to talk about the existence of any objects in a situation (in co-existence, in the universe) with some kind of mode for the "I" and/or for the Other (Others). Thus, abstract objects exist in the given just like any other, including those that actually exist.
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