The socio-philosophical theory by Jacques Lacan as a metacriticism of the world outlook concept


Zakharov Aleksandr Dmitrievich


Social philosophy is a rather young discipline considering philosophy, its methodology and problems often address the extremely general features of social life, the development of society and its structuring models, but individualistic approaches that have noticeably developed in the XIX-XX centuries significantly expanded the range of socio-philosophical categories' application. One of the most outstanding between such methodological approaches is associated with the psychoanalytic tradition and the name of Jacques Lacan. He was able to compile various spheres of social life - from linguistics and mythology to sociology, ethics and maths - considering his theory of the subject and its existence in the vital conditions of social life, which is also the subject of this article. Qualitative analysis of primary empirical data, including the translated seminars of Jacques Lacan, processing of secondary empirical data by foreign and domestic authors, analysis of various interdisciplinary points of view on the topic regarded were used as research methods. This article examines the main concepts and original insights of Lacan's analytical discourse within the framework of the issue under study and also reveals the possibility of conceptual applicability of his theory to worldview issues in the context of psychic and social life. In the course of research, the author comes to the conclusion that the varied, somewhat chaotic view by Jacques Lacan actually allows to conduct a structured, pointwise and thorough criticism on the foundations of socio-ethical worldview peculiarities, and thus can appear to be interesting for philosophers, psychologists, sociologists , teachers, historians, culturologists.


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