Promising approaches to the study of values in the interdisciplinary paradigm


Burukina Olga Alekseyevna


The problem of understanding "value" as a philosophical category and phenomenon of culture and the construction of a system of national values is especially relevant at the present stage of the development of Russian culture and mentality in connection with the current axiological crisis that modern Russian society is experiencing and, as a consequence, modern Russian culture. The article provides an overview of concepts and approaches to the study of values in foreign and Russian philosophy of the XX–XXI centuries. The author traces the evolution of the concept of value over the past 120 years, focusing his research on the current stage of development of axiology and philosophy of culture – from the end of the twentieth century to the present day. The article pays special attention to the complexity of categorical analysis and the difficulty of defining the concept of "value" at the present stage of philosophy development, taking into account eclecticism in understanding and interpreting values in different scientific paradigms: philosophical, cultural, sociological, psychological, etc. The author analyzes the enduring significance of the heritage of outstanding Russian philosophers, as well as the contribution of foreign philosophers. It is suggested that the paradigm of the philosophy of culture, developed by G. Rickert, can become a conceptual and methodological basis for correctly comprehending the concept of value and building a national system of values that can become the basis for the progressive development of all spheres of being in modern society. From a wide range of studies by Russian and foreign scientists, both modern and related to the masters of philosophy today, the author identifies the most promising approaches to the study of values and the formation of a system of national values that reflect the most significant features of national culture and national mentality and contribute to the sustainable development of each member of society.


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