The screen as a determinant of time acceleration


Grigoryev Sergey Leonidovich


The subject of the study is the current trend of accelerating cultural dynamics, as well as the real reason for the emergence of a subjective sense of acceleration of socio–cultural time - the acceleration of the pace of STP and the diversity of the technosphere surrounding the individual. Another such reason is the overuse of information. The classical model of time, which assumes that all possible changes in the continuously moving world are interconnected in space and time, is partially deformed, partially annulled in the conditions of modern information culture. The process of revising classical models of time perception in combination with its individualization was initiated by the philosophical trends of existentialism and postmodernism. The research is based on the concept of digital capitalism by J. Weissman, is a purposeful consideration and comprehensive analysis of a number of new views on the phenomenon of the screen, as well as on the features of structuring and representation for the recipient of his internal virtual space, which have a direct impact on perception, resulting in the appearance of the effect of subjectively perceived acceleration of time. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the nature of the interactions formed between the screen and the viewer (user, viewer, gamer, etc.). The existence of a modern person is increasingly becoming a simulation, and the time of existence is commercialized and becomes the subject of symbolic exchange and consumption. According to the results of the study, the most noticeable features of the formed interactions, their imitative and simulation nature, forcibly modeling the effect of time acceleration are identified and analyzed. The screen of an electronic device (smartphone, tablet, TV) located next to a person in the conditions of a network society forms a new type of intersubjectivity, within which it acquires many functions, the number of which is constantly growing. In conclusion, the author's philosophical interpretation of the problem of screen-human interaction is presented, based on the concept of J. Weissman, the analysis of modern cultural trends of acceleration and deceleration is carried out, the general socio-cultural prospects of these processes are evaluated.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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