Danchay-ool Ayas Anatolyevich,Mongush Salbak Oner-Oolovna,Dongak Venera Sedip-Oolovna
The article reveals the problem of the need to build ethnopedagogical methods through instilling the fundamental meanings of the worldview of traditional culture. The authors point out the inconsistency of the superficial application in the practice of ethnopedagogy of a simple listing of cultural phenomena or teaching the national language. The processes of upbringing and education must be implemented in unity with cultural enlightenment, in which the unity of man, society and nature is revealed. The problem of distorted interpretation of cultural phenomena in modern times is shown, which creates a contradictory worldview system. The need to instill an understanding of the transformation of the worldview of traditional cultures in modern times is emphasized, which makes it possible to fill pedagogical practice with specific content. The novelty of the study lies in the discovery of the relationship between problems of worldview and pedagogical practice. The ideology of the Soviet era was formed on substantialism and materialism, which required the application of the ideas of abstract progress and holism. In such conditions, Tuvan traditional culture was not fit into the abstract system that reduces the content of archaic cultures. The authors point to the unity of education and thinking, in which a person understands the uniqueness of each culture and its phenomena. In this connection, it is possible to learn the meanings of one’s culture, which creates the possibility of self-identification. The main contribution of the authors lay in revealing of the need to develop ethnopedagogy with specific content, which is ensured through high-quality preparation of ideological foundations.
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