The use of tactile floor signs in public buildings


Semenenko Darya Andreevna,Nazarov Yuri Vladimirovich


The infrastructure of modern states and megacities is very complex and extensive, so human orientation in urban space is extremely necessary. This article is devoted to the problem of adapting the surrounding space for blind and visually impaired people, the publication is designed to help solve the problem of orientation in the environment of this group of consumers. After all, despite the seemingly relatively small number of blind and visually impaired people compared to healthy citizens, in reality there are more than 2.2 billion people with visual impairments of varying complexity in the world, who, like ordinary people, should be able to move freely in the surrounding space. В  For a detailed understanding of the stated problem, the authors analyzed the experience of using various means in public buildings, such as tactile floor signs, mnemonic circuits, tactile signs, navigators, as well as mobile applications. Problems of accessibility of the environment for people with disabilities arise everywhere. Understanding the accessibility situation and searching for various solutions that contribute to the adaptation of the environment, as well as describing all kinds of developments related to the field of "affordable design" and presented in this article, will be able to improve the quality of life of blind and visually impaired people in our complex world.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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