Studying the trends of modern musical culture in order to increase the competence of future vocal teachers


Zhang Yinran


The article attempts to substantiate the need for increased attention of stakeholders to the relevance of updating the professional training of vocal teachers. The author of the publication step-by-step reveals the ideal structure of a vocal teacher's competence based on the views of various experts systematized by him, and also suggests making separate principal accents on the comprehensive study of trends in modern musical culture by students, since conscious and purposeful familiarization with them is, in his opinion, an integral element in the system of modern professional competence. The personal and professional characteristics that every future vocal teacher should possess are disclosed in sufficient detail; the special importance of each of these components of success in the competitive struggle in the pedagogical labor market is emphasized. In addition, the key features of the dissemination of musical information in modern society, the impact of network technologies on the specialized training of teachers and recipients are highlighted. The specifics of the perception and use of musical information by different generations of Russian people are noted. As a conclusion, the author suggests a further, more in-depth study of the issues he raised, since, in his opinion, it is insufficiently developed at the scientific level. As a conclusion, the author suggests further study of the issues he raised.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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