Intra-pair interaction and peculiarities of self-identity of twins in preschool age


Kuzmina Anna Sergeevna,Praizendorf Ekaterina Sergeevna


The subject of this research is the self-identity of twins in preschool age. The goal is to determine correlations between the behavioral indicators of intra-pair interaction and the parameters of functionality of self-identity of twins of preschool age. Detailed analysis is conducted on the role of twin situation and intra-pair interaction of twins in the development of self-identity in preschool age. The twin situation is interpreted as a special social situation of development that defines the formation of personality of twins; it is associated with the occurrence of specific intra-pair interactions that determine the development of self-identity of a preschooler. The research methodology is based on the cultural-historical approach that reveals the role of social situation in child’s development (L. S. Vygotsky), concept of self-identity (S. L. Rubinstein, L. I. Bozhovich), studies on twins (T. B. Morozov, M. T. Miliora). The empirical base is represented by 100 twins of preschool age. This article is first to give theoretical substantiation and empirical proof to the existence of correlation between the behavioral indicators of intra-pair interaction of twins and characteristics of self-identity of dizygotic and monozygotic twins in preschool age. The following conclusions were made: dizygotic and monozygotic twins may have a different nature of intra-pair interaction, which relates to the peculiarities of self-identity preschoolers; dizygotic twins have high possibility of rivalry with their twin; monozygotic twins are rather oriented towards cooperation. The proclivity for cooperation in the process of joint activity creates the foundation for positive self-esteem, self-acceptance, and assessment of own performance. The proclivity for rivalry allows the twins to be more independent, take responsibility for the results of their work, creates foundation for the development of self-identity, self-cognition, and self-understanding.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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